Chance and Lillie are getting ready for their wedding in January of 2021.

KD: What were your first impressions of each other?
Lillie: I thought he was really cute and funny and that I really just wanted to be his friend
Chance: I thought she was weird

KD: How did you two meet?
Lillie: We met in middle school! We hung out with the same group of friends and became best friends and eventually started dating and the rest is history!

KD: What do you two do for fun?
Lillie: We love to travel and take road trips whenever we can, we love to try new things and restaurants, but most of all we just love spending time with one anotherĀ

KD: What is your proposal story?
Lillie: Chance and I went to Dallas with two of our friends. Chance had made reservations at this really cool restaurant at the top of Reunion Tower. The restaurant rotated so you could see the entire city while you ate. We plan on moving to Dallas after we get married so this was the first time that we really got to see the city and we talked about our future. After we finished eating we went down on these glass elevators to get back to our car. I kept looking around at the city when Chance told me to turn around and there he was on one knee and asked me to marry him!
Congratulations Lillie and Chance. We can’t wait for your big day!