Lilly is a senior from Topeka West High School, that will graduate in 2020.

KD: What are your plans are for the future?
Lilly: I plan to attend the University of Kansas or UMKC and double major in pre-dentistry and Spanish. Then attend Dental school and become a dentist and still thinking about professing in Orthodontics.

KD: What music do you like to listen to (favorite musician/band)?
Lilly: I usually listen to all genres of music but I love throwbacks. One of my favorite artists would have to be the band Queen.

KD: What has been the highlight of your senior year?
Lilly: The highlight of my senior year so far has been being in the front of the student section at football games getting to be part of that experience with all of my friends. But I’m hoping for something good in soccer this year.

KD: What is your favorite place to relax and unwind?
Lilly: My favorite place to unwind and relax would have to be in my bed with my window open on a beautiful day watching American Horror Story or Friends.

KD: What is your favorite food for lunch?
Lilly: My favorite place to go to eat for lunch would have to be Chick-Fill-A and get half off because my best friend works there.

KD: What are your hobbies or interests?
Lilly: I play soccer in school and outside of school with a bunch of my friends. I love to be involved at school and I love to go to any of the football or basketball games and participate in school spirit themes. I also have been really interested in art and love drawing and painting as well as playing my cello and ukulele. I love hanging out with my friends and family getting into a whole bunch of fun being all together.
Thank you Lilly for choosing us for your senior photos! Best of luck with future endeavors.